Body flaccidity surgery after slimming

There is no doubt that the spectacular increase in obesity in recent years in the western world, due to the great increase in the globalization of the welfare state, has led us plastic surgeons to rethink more effective strategies in the solutions to the problems that this trend originates.

There are many solutions to obesity, some of them of a social nature, such as diets, physical exercise, lifestyle planning, etc., more typical of medicine in general, since, apart from aesthetic problems, obesity is also the cause of important health disorders. Others also require pharmacological treatments because they have their causes in some diseases and others require more radical surgical treatments, such as morbid obesity, since they can seriously threaten life itself.

Cosmetic surgery can help fix obesity when it is localized, especially through liposuction of specific areas such as the abdomen, thighs, etc.

How can cosmetic surgery provide a solution to flaccidity after weight loss?

Cosmetic surgery is definitive and essential after weight loss, where, inevitably, a more or less intense flaccidity will appear all over the body, depending a lot on age, intensity and speed of weight loss, etc.

In recent years, our team has specialized conscientiously in post-slimming flaccidity solutions, which has allowed us to intervene several flaccidities in a single surgical operation.

We list the most frequent interventions in the treatment of flaccidity after major slimming:

  • Abdominoplasty, Abdominal Dermolipectomy: Operation that removes all excess skin and fat from the navel to the pubis and tightens all remaining abdominal tissues.
  • Liposuction: Aimed at eliminating in specific areas the excess fat accumulated after slimming, for example on the sides, thighs, arms, etc.
  • Mastopexy: Consists of reshaping and lifting the sagging and drooping breast after slimming. In the case of large breasts, lifting and tightening the tissues or, in the case of small breasts, adding prostheses.
  • Crural Meloplasty: Aimed at correcting the flaccidity of the inner thigh, through incisions in the groin, peeling and stretching of the skin and excess fat.
  • Brachioplasty: Removal and stretching of the skin and fat of the inner arm, from the armpit to the elbow.
  • Lumbar Dermolipectomy: Consists in the removal of the flaccid and lower back area and the tightening of the buttocks with or without prosthesis placement, as appropriate.
  • Facelift: Through hidden incisions in the hair around the ear, tightens the skin of the face and neck, eliminating sagging.
  • Blepharoplasty: Eliminates flaccidity of the eyelids and bags.
  • Breast reduction. Case of reducing the size of the breasts and raise its fall.
  • Breast augmentation. In case of filling and / or increase the desired breast size.
  • Buttock augmentation. Buttock prosthesis: consists of filling and tightening the buttocks, especially in the upper part.
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Since these defects usually occur together in different proportions depending on each person and slimming, the great advance achieved with the experience of these years coupled with advances in cosmetic surgery and anesthesia, is the ability to perform several of these procedures in a single surgical act. In this way we manage to minimize the stay in the clinic, which rarely exceeds 24 or 48 hours, in addition to considerably reduce the risks of treatment of flaccidity after obesity or large slimming.