Improving the figure is possible

The lifestyle that society forces us to lead leaves us little time to take care of ourselves as we should. We eat quickly and poorly, we do little exercise. In the case of women, after pregnancy, the body changes and the role of mother is given priority, forgetting about oneself. All this causes the accumulation of those extra kilos in the form of fatty deposits that are so annoying.

We have patients who are overweight. It is not only an aesthetic problem, but a health problem. In these cases we recommend a complete weight loss plan. Some patients may need some surgical intervention. Body contouring surgery is not a treatment for obesity, it is a technique to correct silhouette deformities.

Liposuction is in charge of eliminating fat accumulations located in the thighs, waist and abdomen. In the case of abdominoplasty what we seek is to correct the abdominal sagging that occurs after pregnancy or considerable weight loss. In these cases, we have an abdominal flaccidity that we will effectively solve by tightening the muscles and removing excess skin. In the case of the breast, we can practice several techniques such as breast augmentation, which involves the placement of a breast implant so that the desired volume and appearance is achieved.

In the reductive mammoplasty we will seek the reduction and reshaping of the breasts. Very large breasts can cause physical problems, such as back pain or the appearance of erosions in the submammary fold due to rubbing and sweating. With mastopexy, or breast lift, is intended to enhance and elevate the breasts that by factors such as age, lactation or weight loss, have suffered a sagging.

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The benefits of the treatment

All these techniques help patients to improve their quality of life. Weight loss is accompanied by an improvement in healthy habits and the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. The locomotor system benefits.

Patients who undergo breast reduction will notice an evident improvement in back pain. But let us not forget that all these changes are accompanied by obvious aesthetic benefits. Thus, self-confidence and self-esteem are increased.

Considerations before the intervention

The person in charge of the intervention must be a plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. And the interventions must always be performed in an operating room within the hospital setting and as part of a unit with health registration.