upper third face lift

What is facelift surgery and what are its objectives?

With facelift surgery we try to alleviate the effects of time on the face of people who wish to do so. It is about improving the position of the tissues and return them to where they were approximately 12-14 years ago.

The main objective of the facelift is the naturalness of the result, i.e. not to create a mask effect on the face but to give a feeling of relaxation, well-being and achieve a lasting effect and an improvement of the passage of time in the tissues.

It is clear that to achieve what we want we have to act, that is, we can not do a minimal surgery to get a good result, we must act on all the structural elements of the facial anatomy.

Access, however, is always as limited as possible, but it has to be wide enough to be able to place these tissues where they should be, in their natural position -where they were a few years before- but always trying to make the recovery from this surgery as fast as possible.

What facelift techniques can we find?

There are several facelift techniques, however to understand why your surgeon chooses one or another technique we must understand that the effect of aging affects differently the various areas of the face. It can be divided into the upper part of the face, forehead and eyebrows, the middle part and then the neck.

In the upper part of the face we use endoscopic techniques, for that we use endoscopy and magnification with cameras to control very well all the anatomical areas and, in this way, we can lift and raise all the tissues of the forehead, eyebrows and even reach the middle part of the face and raise all the tissues in a plane just above the bone, very safe and with very reliable and repetitive results.

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Who is the ideal candidate to undergo this type of surgery?

Undoubtedly, they are people who are beginning to notice the first signs of aging in the face, small sagging in areas where there is beginning to be a wear of the passage of time. It can also be applied to major aging problems but it is always better to start in younger people where we can get a much more lasting effect with little change of what we talked about before at the level of naturalness.

What type of anesthesia will be used?

For this type of surgery safety is fundamental, we cannot do facial rejuvenation, facelift surgery, with local anesthesia but we need the help of the anesthesiologist with a deep sedation that will keep the patient safe throughout the procedure and always with a little help of local anesthesia to get the tissues to conform as easily as possible.

How long does it take to return to daily activity?

It is important to face this type of lifting surgery with a period of time to be able to take care of oneself. For this we need patients, once they have decided to have this type of surgery, to have one or two weeks to rest and have a complete post-operative period, without problems, and it will always depend on the effect of the surgery on their tissues, each person is different, but we can say that after two weeks we can have a normal life.