What is Non Surgical Rhinomodeling

Non-surgical rhinomodeling is a medical-aesthetic procedure that allows us to modify the shape and appearance of the nose, without surgery, giving patients the possibility to solve certain imperfections of their nasal profile. This is achieved without undergoing surgery, and in some cases even manages to improve the appearance of some unwanted post-rhinoplasty result.

It is performed with dermal fillers of hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite (according to medical criteria). Both are temporary, with progressive degradation and a duration of approximately 18/24 months.

It is a technique that requires extensive knowledge of the nasal anatomy and extensive experience, as it is performed using very fine needles or micro cannulas. It is performed after an exhaustive review and diagnosis, since not all patients are suitable for this treatment.

It should be clear that this rhinomodelation does not replace rhinoplasty, but it is a procedure in great demand nowadays, with excellent results, visible at the moment and immediate incorporation to daily life.

What immediate benefits can we offer to patients?

There are several benefits, among them, we can highlight the following:

  • Corrects the closure of the nasolabial angle.
  • It elevates the nasal tip.
  • Corrects irregularities of the nasal surface, especially after rhinoplasty.
  • Improves saddle back deformity.
  • Corrects low nasal dorsum.
  • Profiles the nasal tip.

What are the advantages of rhinomodeling?

  • Immediate results, in a matter of hours.
  • Avoids risks and permanent surgical complications (hyaluronic acid is a temporary product, lasting approximately 18 months).
  • No general anesthesia is used.
  • No recovery time or sick leave is required.
  • Significant differences in price with respect to surgical rhinoplasty.
  • Increases confidence, improves self-esteem and eliminates the patient’s aesthetic complexes.

Evaluation and diagnosis

All medical-aesthetic procedures must include an evaluation and medical history of the patient prior to treatment. The patient’s medical history should include important data such as personal history, allergies, previous surgeries, pathological antecedents, current diseases and medical treatment (if any).

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Subsequently, a photographic record is taken to show the before and after results obtained by the procedure.

It is important to explain step by step the treatment to be performed, adverse effects, expectations and reality of the results, indications, post-treatment care and approximate duration of the results.

How is rhinomodelation performed?

Before starting the treatment it is very important for me to clarify all the patient’s doubts and expectations. At the beginning of the treatment, the patient must be seated and in an upright position so that the specialist can proceed to define the areas of the nose that need to undergo aesthetic correction.

After asepsis and antisepsis measures of the area, I apply local cold on the nasal dorsum and tip, and infiltrate dental anesthesia (inside the lip) at the base of the columella to avoid pain, burning or discomfort at the time of infiltrating the filling material in the anatomical structure.

Post-treatment recommendations

  • At the end of the treatment, I apply local cold to the treated area to minimize bruising and swelling.
  • Avoid touching the treated area for a period of 48 to 72 hours.
  • Avoid wearing glasses for one week.

In case of bruising, apply arnica or auriderm until the bruising disappears.

  • Use sunscreen with or without bruises.
  • Avoid sun, swimming pools, beaches, rivers, saunas, etc, for 24 hours.
  • The result is seen instantly, but it is after 15 days when it will be even better, because the swelling of the first days will have disappeared.
  • Review 2-3 weeks post-treatment, which allows me to evaluate the result (take pictures, discuss with the patient his experience, etc).

For more information, please consult a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine.