Healthy weight loss with the protein diet

What is the principle by which the protein diet works?

To lose weight we have to reduce the calories in our diet and, in this particular treatment, what we achieve is to reduce carbohydrates so that the diet becomes a ketogenic diet. We also manage to reduce fats a lot because what we really want is to lose them in our body, but we maintain the amount of proteins necessary so that we do not lose muscle mass. We also provide all the minerals and vitamins so that our body does not have nutritional deficits, only caloric deficits.

What changes can be obtained through the protein diet?

Through the protein diet you can obtain a fast, lasting and above all healthy weight loss. Just because the weight loss is rapid does not mean it is wrong.

Are there any risks or side effects?

If the treatment is prescribed by a physician who knows the procedure, who maintains perfect control of the patient and a treatment regimen that is not transferable to any other person, there are no associated risks.

Is ketosis dangerous?

Any weight loss generates ketone bodies, there is no other way to eliminate fats from our body unless it is in a traumatic way such as surgery or liposuction. The biochemistry in our body causes ketone bodies to be generated to be released to the outside through urine and breath. Therefore, ketosis is not dangerous as long as it is controlled and stable.

Read Now 👉  The Protein Diet, a healthy solution for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

What to do once the ideal weight has been reached?

It is necessary to maintain the weight in the long term, this is a third stage which we call Food Balance Phases – Maintenance Phases. Our objective is to consolidate a nutritional balance, that we do not lack any type of nutrient and that calorically allows us to maintain the weight. To reach this point we must have gone through the different stages of the diet and above all have changed our habits to maintain these changes.

Obesity is often associated with other pathologies: How can the protein diet help to improve these pathologies?

With the protein diet and with the clinical investigations that have been developed in recent times we have been able to observe the decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol rates, the improvement of metabolic conditions in general and above all the decrease in blood glucose in type II diabetic patients, and even in insulin-dependent patients, is much higher than that obtained with a conventional or poorly balanced diet. The benefit in medical pathologies associated with obesity is much higher with the protein diet. In the case of a serious obesity problem, the protein diet is beneficial for health.