Do you know turbinate hypertrophy?

There are several symptoms and signs that can alert us of suffering from this pathology. Therefore, we can ask ourselves the following questions, focused on when we stretch to rest:

  • When you stretch in bed does less air pass through your nose?
  • Does it change if you lie on one side of your body or the other?

There are also other questions, related to sports activity or nasal congestion:

  • When you exercise do you feel you have to stop because you find it hard to breathe, even though it seems that your body would give more?
  • Do you often feel your nose congested without having a cold?

If one or more of the questions below have an affirmative answer, it is quite likely that you suffer from turbinate hypertrophy.

What are turbinates?

The turbinates are structures on the sides of the nasal septum that help humidify the air we breathe and regulate its flow. But when they increase in size they can cause obstruction to the passage of air, increase allergy symptoms and facilitate the appearance of snoring, among others.

How is turbinate hypertrophy treated?

Turbinate hypertrophy can be treated with medication and, in more severe cases, with outpatient surgery.

For more information about the pathology and its treatment, contact a specialist at the Instituto de Otología García-Ibáñez.