Single mother by artificial insemination

Many women decide to become single mothers by choice and assisted reproduction gives them the opportunity. The famous biological clock and the fear of infertility is, in most cases, what pushes many to fulfill their desire and, thanks to the solidarity of an anonymous donor, they are finally able to become pregnant.

Women today are increasingly aware that fertility decreases with age. Many of them make the decision not to delay motherhood even if they do not have a partner at the time. Despite the diversity in terms of profession and socio-cultural level, all these women share a high degree of independence and a great deal of confidence in the project they are about to undertake.

A treatment for each woman

The most appropriate assisted reproduction treatment will depend on each woman. Each case must be evaluated individually. Depending on the age, hormonal profile, ultrasound, etc., it may be more appropriate to start with artificial insemination treatments or to directly perform in vitro fertilization, either with the patient’s own eggs or donor eggs.

In cases where the recommendation is to resort to an egg donor, the situation is more difficult. The news is received with sadness. Women have to grieve because they will no longer be genetically linked to their child. Most of them had never thought about not being able to become mothers using their own eggs. Although it is true that hearing the word “donation” at first is a very strong shock, the reality is that finally, after calm meditation, they usually accept this option with great enthusiasm and optimism.

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Leaning on the environment

A woman who wants to become a single mother presents some emotional differences with respect to women with a partner who undergo the same treatment. The former are women who, in most cases, come without the “previous” stress of having been looking for a pregnancy without success. This, together with the fact that they have generally meditated a lot before making the decision to become single mothers, makes them appear to us as confident women with great emotional stability. In these cases, the support of family and friends is essential. Not only in order to have help in raising their child, but also as emotional support during the whole process of searching for the child.