Blepharoplasty Tips: How to Get Rid of Eyelid Bags and Wrinkles

The skin of the eyelids is the thinnest and most sensitive skin on the human body, making it one of the first areas of the face to show signs of aging, usually after the age of 40.

The two most common complaints are related to the appearance of wrinkles and puffiness (bags) of the eyelids.

Wrinkles and bags under the eyes, the two signs of the passage of time

The laxity of the eyelid skin causes the appearance of wrinkles due to sagging. In the upper eyelid, a skin fold is formed which, in the most severe cases, touches the eyelashes and may even go beyond them, interfering with the gaze. In the lower eyelid, the wrinkles may extend towards the cheek.

Gesturing is mainly responsible for the formation of the so-called expression wrinkles. In the eyelids these typically form on the lateral part and are popularly known as “crow’s feet”.

The eyelids act as a containment septum in relation to the contents of the orbit. Their relaxation with age favors the protrusion of the orbital fat towards the exterior and can be understood as a real fat hernia. This bulge is known as a palpebral pouch. There are familial cases where palpebral bags are already evident at an early age. The bags should not be confused with dark circles under the eyes, consisting of darkening of the skin, although both can coexist.

Can I have a cosmetic blepharoplasty?

Aesthetic blepharoplasty is the surgical procedure indicated to correct age-related eyelid problems.

The ideal candidate is a person with realistic expectations of results, good health and psychological stability. There is no specific age for cosmetic blepharoplasty because the aging process is particular to each person, being more common from the decade of the 40s.

Eliminate wrinkles and bags with an outpatient treatment

Blepharoplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, although it is often combined with sedation.

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The surgery basically consists of removing excess skin and fat through an incision. In the upper eyelid this is placed following its natural skin fold and in the lower eyelid the incision is placed just below the eyelash line. When the lower eyelid has no wrinkles, the bags can also be removed through an internal incision in the conjunctiva.

Preparation before blepharoplasty

Preoperative preparation consists of a good medical history and physical examination. The specialist surgeon may require the patient to provide a medical examination of those general diseases or usual medical treatments that may contraindicate surgery. In addition, any previous ocular problem should be studied by an ophthalmologist before indicating a blepharoplasty. A preoperative blood test including blood coagulation tests is essential before any surgery is performed.

Essential care after blepharoplasty

After surgery the operated area will be swollen. The local swelling may make it difficult to open the eye during the first few days. It is very common the appearance of blood effusions under the skin (purple) that will take about two weeks to be reabsorbed.

It is advisable to rest at night with the head elevated and the application of local cold to improve postoperative swelling. Depending on the case, ocular lubricants will be indicated to avoid dryness of the eye.

It is essential to avoid sun exposure to prevent residual pigmentation, so sunglasses should be worn and, when the stitches have been removed, sunscreens in the form of a cream can also be applied. The use of contact lenses or make-up should be suspended until local conditions improve.

Although the appearance is already noticeable after one month, a minimum of three months must elapse before a stable result can be seen.