Acupuncture in the treatment of pain

What kind of pain can be treated by acupuncture techniques?

Acupuncture is very effective in all types of pain:

  • Joint pain
  • Ligament pain
  • Migraines
  • Neuralgia
  • Back pain

Whether the pain is acute, of recent onset as in chronic pain of long evolution is an effective treatment with good results.

It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and acts both as a muscle relaxant and as a general relaxant.

Pain usually generates muscular contractures, emotional tension and feeds back. The more nervous the person is, the more they contract and the more pain they perceive. Acupuncture can work on all three levels in one session.

How can pain be treated through acupuncture? What does pain treatment consist of?

Acupuncture, which is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, contemplates a holistic and global vision of the person, their health and their alterations. That is why in the interview with the patient for pain we also contemplate its origin, assessing their postural habits, diet, mood and lifestyle.

An acupuncture session consists of the application of fine painless needles that are placed in specific points of the skin. It generates the secretion of certain neurotransmitters such as endorphins, serotonin, dopamine … that inhibit pain and activate relaxation at the muscular, mental and emotional level. It is also a great anti-stress therapy.

It is usually performed 4 or 6 sessions once a week depending on the pathology and the person. And if necessary they are spaced to biweekly or monthly in cases of chronic pain.

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How can the patient know that he/she should go to an acupuncture consultation?

A patient suffering from pain can always go to an acupuncture consultation. If it does not provide diagnosis and previous explorations should be requested.

Once diagnosed, it will be considered if it is the most appropriate treatment for your case.

Acupuncture can reduce, eliminate and control pain without any side effects.

Patients who come to Acupuncture consultation are usually included in these three groups:

  • Patients who have had no results with conventional treatments or techniques.
  • Patients who due to intolerances or pathologies such as gastric, hepatic, hypertension, age, etc. cannot be treated with drugs or surgery.
  • Patients who prefer to use this type of treatment because of its harmlessness, efficacy and holistic concept of health.

What are the benefits of pain treatment using this technique?

  • Resolve the pathology effectively and usually quickly.
  • Absence of side and undesirable effects.
  • Improvement of the general state, relaxing the person and generating well-being.
  • By reducing stress, it facilitates the resolution of associated symptoms.

What risks are there when undergoing Acupuncture treatment?

The only risk that Acupuncture has is related to its malpractice. It must be assessed in each patient if the indication is appropriate. Hence the importance that the professional who applies it has the necessary training and can contemplate at all times the most appropriate treatment (Integrative Medicine).

Knowledge of the anatomy is necessary to avoid punctures in areas or at a depth that could cause injury. In addition, it is essential to use disposable material to avoid infections.