How to repair the skin after summer

The excesses of summer are reflected in our skin. Exposure to the sun, for example, contributes to premature aging and sagging.

During the time we have been tanned, we have not noticed the ravages the sun has wreaked on our skin. But as this color fades, spots, dehydration and a dull skin tone appear. The truth is that even if we use sunscreen, the sun always dehydrates and ages the skin.

Combating the effects of the sun on our skin

  • Cleanse. The starting point should be to cleanse the skin inside and out. For example, the treatments offered by Integrative Aesthetic Medicine treat the skin from the inside. A skin cleanse can start with a Depurative Detox Diet and supplements to cleanse the liver, kidney and skin for a week. To cleanse from the outside we can resort to peelings, which moisturize and nourish. The latest medical peeling, for example, is PRX-T33, which renews the face, neck, décolleté and hands.
  • Brightening. To restore luminosity to the skin, we can combine Mesopeel treatments. In addition to peelings with Mesotherapy, we infiltrate Vitamins, Silicon, Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen. On the other hand, with Carboxytherapy we produce an oxygenation of the skin that revitalizes it. Finally, a treatment of platelet factors, which favor the natural production of Collagen and Elastin, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and flaccidity.
  • Stains. They become more evident when we start to lose our tan. If they are not removed before next summer, then they will become more evident. By eliminating the spots we not only combat the aesthetic part but we also avoid precancerous lesions. We can achieve great results with the combination of medical peelings with different types of lasers.
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Therefore, after the summer we need a treatment that takes into account nutrition, supplementation and Aesthetic Medicine and cosmetic treatments.

With some basic care any treatment will last longer, avoiding or delaying the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and restoring vitality.

Remember that we only have one skin and it is for life. The sooner we start taking skin care seriously, the greater the benefits over time.