Influence of emotions on decision making and reactions

The following article allows us to make sense of a frequently asked question: why do we trip over the same stone again? Is it a decision? The answer is yes. It is also intended to help:
1. Understand why this happens
See how you can stop tripping over the same stone again.

Emotions: what they are and how they influence decision making.

Emotions provide the answer to the previous question. But what exactly are emotions? It is something we talk about but often struggle to define. However, we often name them: anger, sadness, pain, joy.

Emotions are physical reactions to life situations that significantly influence decision making, which are recorded as memory or tendency to repeat the same experience.

A very clear example can be: a panic reaction to an aggressive parent during childhood can generate the idea in the child that this parent was like that because he (the child) was bad, that he deserved it. This panic reaction can be repeated years later, in the same way, before a boss who calls him to attention, because he has done something wrong at work or also because he feels guilty for the fact that in his marriage he is repeatedly told that he does not do what he should.

This shows us that a childhood reaction gives rise to a belief that will make the person feel in a similar way to that one, as soon as something of this moment resembles it.

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The current story could be that the person did not know what to say when the boss called his attention to him. Despite having done things right he could not defend himself; in other words, he reacted in panic again.

So, intense experience + belief = hitting the same stone.

The above scheme is simple but has many implications in daily life, which generate high suffering.

Methods to treat affective disorders

The Moebius Method has been created from years of experience adding different theories: corporal expression, meditation, Psychiatry, Psychodrama, among others, and allows working and solving this problem.

It consists of different stages:
– First stage. The technique starts from the account of the current situation, clearly defining the emotion and the belief at stake.
– Second stage. When the patient can recognize the emotion as his own, with relaxation techniques, movement and psychodrama.
– Third stage. The patient finds a narrative, relates what he/she feels and finds a reason for it (belief).
– Fourth stage. A new narrative is sought that deactivates the initial belief and enables other possible responses. To apply it to the above example, it would translate into knowing how to talk to the boss and state that the job was well done.