Dental implants with minimally invasive surgery: unbeatable esthetics, speed and postoperative period

Minimally invasive approaches are gaining ground in all fields of surgery, and implant surgery is no exception. A precision diagnosis performed by dental specialists is the key to this type of approach, because only with an exhaustive “a priori” knowledge of the anatomy of the area to be operated on can a strategy be planned that achieves the maximum objectives with the minimum invasiveness.

The first step is the comprehensive digitization of the patient. By combining a digital optical impression of the jaws and a cone beam scanner, we will create an interactive three-dimensional model, in which a virtual surgery simulation can be performed, reducing or even avoiding incisions. Surgical procedures can be designed and tested without gum detachment or stitches, in which diseased teeth can be extracted, implants placed, adjacent soft and hard tissues repaired, and fixed teeth supported by dental implants repositioned.

The second step is the elaboration, before the intervention, of the provisional prosthesis and the surgical guides based on the previously established diagnosis.

The third step is the placement of the implants, using the prefabricated surgical guides and a multi-screen system with 3D information, the surgeon develops the treatment plan on the real patient, with great precision following the virtual planning. In many cases without the need to detach the tissues to visualize the bone, because the digital information available guides him perfectly.

And finally, after a period of adjustment and adaptation, the fixed implant-supported provisional teeth are placed. The immediate placement of fixed provisional teeth has many advantages for the patient, since not only do they allow him to have fixed teeth immediately, with the consequent esthetic and masticatory advantages, but they also close and protect the surgical entrance and support the soft tissues, which greatly improves the postoperative period and the final esthetics of the case.