Surgical techniques available in Assisted Reproduction

What does Assisted Reproduction surgery consist of?

They are minimally invasive procedures, performed with extreme care and meticulousness so that the end result can be a perfect home for that much desired baby. These procedures are known as hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.

In the case of hysteroscopy, it is a procedure based on introducing a camera through the cervix and studying the interior of the uterus in search of possible alterations such as polyps, fibroids, malformations such as septa or internal septa or adhesions. It is a diagnostic-therapeutic procedure, since at the same time that we see it we can treat it in the same surgical act or in a deferred time. In addition, it allows us to take samples and biopsies for a more complete study in the laboratory.

In the case of laparoscopy, it is a technique we use to see the inside of the abdomen and to study the uterus and ovaries from the outside and treat pathologies that may affect them such as fibroids or fibroids, pelvic adhesions, ovarian cysts, endometriosis….

We perform a set of techniques for the study of infertility and increase the chances of pregnancy both spontaneously and through assisted reproduction.

What surgical techniques are available in Assisted Reproduction?

The main techniques we use are hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.

In which cases are they indicated?

They are indicated in cases of infertility or sterility in couples who have been seeking pregnancy for more than 12 months and are unable to achieve it spontaneously and who, in addition, may have some uterine or ovarian alteration. In some cases, before beginning in vitro fertilization treatment, we recommend performing a hysteroscopy to evaluate whether there is any intrauterine problem that could hinder embryo implantation.

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Laparoscopy, being a technique with more risks than hysteroscopy, is only indicated when there is a pathology to be treated or in cases of chronic pelvic pain with suspected grade III or IV endometriosis or suspected pelvic adhesions.

Other cases in which laparoscopy may be indicated is when there is a pathological dilatation of the tubes known as hydrosalpinx. In these cases, we recommend performing an excision of the tube to avoid possible adverse effects on the embryo.

What is the postoperative period like and what care should the patient follow?

The recovery of our patients is excellent, with a rapid recovery and return to work or normal life in about 24 hours. After a laparoscopy the recovery may be a little slower, but in 48 hours they are at home.

How are the results of the surgery?

In terms of results, we are very happy, since many of the patients who come to our office are referred from assisted reproduction centers with some problem and leave without it. In other situations, we perform uterine studies on our own and then the patients come to the reproduction center with everything done, being able to speed up time and get that precious treasure that is a new life.