Multiple Causes of Corneal Diseases

The cornea can present several alterations. Some of them affect the surface and its correct hydration such as dry eye; others are caused by infectious agents (viral, bacterial, fungal keratitis,…).

It can also suffer from degenerative processes that lead to a progressive loss of its structure and therefore of its function (dystrophies, ectasia and corneal degeneration).

Causes and symptoms of the cornea

It is the part of the eyeball that often serves as a door to external agents, so any of them can produce an alteration in its properties, and therefore in its function. The causes can be multiple, from infections, traumatisms, congenital and degenerative diseases and even secondary to surgeries, use of contact lenses,…

The healthy cornea is a completely transparent tissue, an essential property for proper vision, so any alteration that affects this transparency and creates an opacity or scar will cause a decrease in vision.

Treatment of the cornea

The treatment of corneal diseases varies depending on the cornea; in general, topical treatments (drops or ointments) with lubricating agents, antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories, etc., will be necessary. However, in cases where extensive scarring has occurred or in certain degenerative pathologies, the only therapeutic option may be a corneal transplant.

Some corneal pathologies are potentially serious, as is the case of corneal infections, which can cause irreversible vision loss. Fortunately, the resilience of the cornea is very large, so with proper treatment, we have solutions for almost any problem.