What does your smile say about your emotional state?

The smile is our calling card and there are so many versions that it is sometimes difficult to identify what emotion we are trying to convey. According to a study, there are 19 types of smiles that can express discomfort, superiority, embarrassment or sadness, among others. The most relevant aspect of this data is that only 6 of these 19 types of smiles convey happiness.

How many times have you smiled sincerely?

Surely, the times you have done it you will have been aware of it and not only that, but you will have been able to spread that happiness to those who receive it. Having a beautiful and sincere smile can help us when it comes to relationships with others, but it also brings numerous benefits to ourselves because smiling releases endorphins that help us relax.

However, although many of us associate smiling with happiness, American psychologist Carney Landis demonstrated in a study that smiling is a natural reflection of both pleasant and unpleasant experiences. According to the research he conducted in 1924, he defined 19 types of smiles and found that only 6 of them convey happiness.

Some types of smile and their meaning

  1. Duchenne smile: it is the classic and true smile of happiness. It is named after the French neurologist, Duchenne de Boulogne, who described it in the 19th century. It is a long and intense smile that is reflected in the expression of the eyes, cheekbones and mouth. It is the most involuntary, spontaneous and sincere smile.
  2. Miserable smile: it appears in moments of pain and reflects a deep sadness. It is slight and asymmetrical and is part of our genetic makeup.
  3. Suppressed smile: this is the typical smile that we hold back when we want to express happiness, but we cannot. Therefore, we usually suppress the facial muscles involved in the movement. A curious fact: this type of smile is very common in countries where smiling is frowned upon.
  4. Qualifying smile: this is the type of smile that is irritating to receive because it is usually accompanied by a negative message or one that the interlocutor does not want to receive.
  5. False smile: a classic. It is one of the easiest to identify, because when we smile falsely we only move our mouth and forget the expression of the eyes and cheekbones, which open and expand showing that smile that is born in a genuine way.
  6. Contemptuous smile: this type of smile is usually used to maintain social harmony, although it expresses disgust and resentment. It can be distinguished relatively easily, since the contour of the lips is kept tight.
  7. Malicious smile with a touch of joy: it is that smile that comes out when we are moved by the misfortune of others. It usually appears in private moments when no one is watching us, because it is very particular.
  8. Fearful smile: it is expressed by showing the teeth and part of the gums, while the lips are retracted. It is a smile inherited from chimpanzees who use it in situations where they feel threatened.
  9. Embarrassed smile: it is a smile that we contain, but that emerges in moments of embarrassment and is usually accompanied by blushing cheeks or head movements.
  10. Flirtatious smile: it is also a classic, who has not used it to attract attention? It is usually enigmatic and mysterious to arouse interest in whoever receives it.
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Dr. Khaled Kasem, chief orthodontist at Impress, reminds us that “it is very important to maintain good oral health, not only to avoid major problems, but also because this, as has been proven, will give us more confidence to smile more and better”.

And he adds, “we want to democratize access to invisible orthodontic treatments and provide everyone who visits us with an excellent experience in this area. We offer the best of both worlds: high quality treatments with expert professionals in the field, combined with the best technology in the industry.”

So don’t worry about the shape of your smile and how it looks at different times of your life, because the most important thing is to keep it always clean, cared for and aligned to avoid possible oral health problems. This way, showing it in any of its versions will never be a problem.