Acne in the adult female

About 45% of women over the age of 25 have signs of acne, a percentage that decreases after the age of 45. This type of acne is becoming more and more frequent and is known as adult female acne.

Adult female acne is characterized by the presence of blackheads or whiteheads (comedones), papules, pustules, nodules and cysts, with a high proportion of inflammatory lesions, affecting the lower third of the face and the beginning of the neck. Most of them worsen at the end of the menstrual cycle.

According to dermatology specialists, 80% of women suffer from persistent acne, i.e., it has lasted since adolescence. The remaining 20% have late-onset acne, i.e. they have not suffered from this type of skin lesions before.

Causes of acne in adult women

There are different factors that cause the appearance of acne in adult women, among which the following stand out:

  • Hormones. More than half of adult women with acne have increased activity of androgen hormones that are evidenced through alopecia, menstrual alterations, hirsutism (more hair), obesity, increased cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance.

The hormonal alterations of acne are a health risk, especially for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

  • Tobacco. More than 41% of female smokers between the ages of 25 and 50 have acne. In fact, smoking is an aggravating factor for pre-existing acne, or a trigger for acne in predisposed individuals, at any age.
  • Genetics.50% of patients have a history of a family history of prolonged acne.
  • Immunity. There is evidence of an exaggerated immune response to the presence of P. acnes bacteria, which contributes to the appearance of acne.
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Treatment of acne in adult women

To treat acne in adult women, the patient must first undergo specific hormonal analyses, a blood count, liver profile, glucose, lipid profile and a coagulation study.

All this is done with the aim of defining the patient’s treatment, since many of them will need systemic treatments, such as contraceptives or isotretinoin. The treatment is completed by some anti-acne substances such as gel, cream and techniques to eliminate scars and blemishes.

It should be taken into account that adult female acne is more resistant to treatment than adolescent acne.