Post bariatric surgery to remove excess skin

Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic condition. It is estimated that about 300 million people in the world are obese and that the prevalence of obesity in the adult population is about 30%, representing a major public health problem.

After bariatric surgery, people present a disproportionate excess of skin on their body, which in several occasions affects their self-esteem and way of adapting to the environment.

The objective of post-bariatric surgery is to eliminate the excess skin in the body of those patients who were once obese and who, after losing weight rapidly, the skin remained flaccid and hanging in areas such as the face, buttocks, legs, arms, abdomen and torso.

Post-bariatric surgery requires general anesthesia because it is a major surgery.

When is this surgery performed?

If after having tried several diets to lose weight and control their obesity they do not obtain a positive result, a responsible solution to continue improving the mental and physical health of patients with obesity is post bariatric surgery.

Post bariatric surgery is responsible for repositioning these tissues by resection of excess skin and/or liposuction. Patients suitable for post bariatric surgery are those with excess skin who are healthy and have stabilized their weight.

Keys to achieve a good result

It is essential to make a thorough clinical examination to know: the degree of sagging and laxity of the skin, evaluation of the situation of the incisions for the resection of this skin and the use of liposuction.

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For the success of the intervention, it is very important not to smoke at least one month before and one month after the surgery.

For more information, consult with a specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery.