Laser surgery to save eyesight problems

Those who suffer from visual dysfunctions and refuse to wear contact lenses can now resort to laser surgery, a very useful tool used in many fields of ophthalmology. Specifically, it is used in corneal surgeries to solve refractive problems such as myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism; and in intraocular surgeries to solve diseases such as glaucoma (which involves the progressive loss of optic nerve fibers) or retinal pathologies. In this type of cases the laser is applied in eyelid surgery and also in lacrimal obstructions.

This surgery is not very aggressive, since its action is very selective, but it should not be forgotten that, like any surgical operation, it involves a certain degree of risk. The patient must be aware of this danger and accept it, and the surgeon must put all his knowledge and the necessary means to minimize it.

Safe and with good results

Practically all people who suffer from sight (or refractive) problems and do not want to wear glasses can undergo laser surgery. Also those who suffer from other ophthalmologic dysfunctions, whether intraocular or extraocular. The results of this type of surgery are always fast. If we refer to laser refractive surgeries (for example, to solve myopia), the results are almost immediate, since the patient has practically normal vision in less than 12 hours. However, the result is slower in other fields of ophthalmology. Even so, the most important thing is that the solution to the vision problem is lasting, complete and safe.

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Treatment progress

Advances in the field of laser surgery are constant and very diverse. A good example of this evolution is the use of laser-mediated surgery to solve lacrimal obstruction, since its use helps to complete the unblocking of these lacrimal organs in a less aggressive and safe way, improving the patient’s postoperative period in relation to previous conventional operations. It is also worth mentioning the constant progress in lasers that treat retinal pathologies such as retinal detachment or diabetic retinopathy (damage to the retinal blood vessels that can cause blood leakage).