Get to know all the advantages of ICL

What are ICL lenses for?

ICL lenses are an alternative to Excimer laser treatment and are the only option when Excimer laser treatment is not indicated, either because the patient is very nearsighted or farsighted, has severe dry eye or because the cornea is too thin or irregular. When it is necessary to correct many diopters, the Excimer laser has to eliminate a high corneal thickness, this causes the structure of the cornea to be altered and the quality of vision is not good with the risk of complications. The ICL lens provides better visual acuity than the Excimer laser in high prescriptions.

What are the advantages of ICL slow lenses?

The key benefit of ICL surgery is the correction or permanent reduction of nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, allowing the patient to see more clearly without glasses or contact lenses, or to reduce their dependence on them.

What is ICL lens surgery?

The ICL lens is placed inside the eye through a microincision in the cornea that does not require stitches. The surgery takes only a few minutes and the anesthesia used is local. The patient does not have to be admitted to the hospital and once operated, he/she can go home on his/her own, with the eye uncovered.

Can anyone undergo the surgery?

ICL lenses are used when the patient prefers this procedure to laser and when Excimer laser treatment is not indicated, either because the patient is very nearsighted or farsighted or because the cornea is too thin or irregular.

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Each patient is different and it is necessary to make a previous study to assess each particular case and decide which is the most appropriate treatment in each circumstance.

To learn more about ICL lenses contact a specialist in Ophthalmology.