How do I know if I have angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is an oppressive sensation (of greater or lesser intensity) that occupies most of the chest (especially the center or to the left) and usually radiates to the neck, jaw, left arm or both arms.

It usually appears with exertion or stress and disappears immediately or within a few minutes with rest. Relatively often, muscular discomfort or discomfort of other origin are quite similar, so the most important for diagnosis is a joint evaluation by an experienced physician of the chest discomfort and cardiovascular risk factors.

What are the causes of this disease?

It is generally due to total or partial obstruction of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis, but it can also occur due to malfunctioning of the arterial walls without obstructing them, i.e. with apparently normal coronary arteries.

What is the difference between a heart attack and angina pectoris?

Myocardial infarction is permanent damage to the heart muscle of greater or lesser extent (sometimes very small, almost undetectable), caused by more or less prolonged obstruction of a coronary artery of greater or lesser caliber.

In angina pectoris, there is no complete interruption of coronary blood flow at any time, only an imbalance between the oxygen demand of the heart muscle at a given moment and the oxygen supply that the coronary arteries can provide.

What consequences can develop from angina pectoris?

Angina pectoris is a symptom of problems with the coronary arteries, heart valves or heart muscle. It is a potentially serious symptom that should be evaluated preferentially and by a physician with experience in heart problems.

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What treatment should be followed?

Always follow your cardiologist’s instructions. If this is the first time you have had a strong pain or oppressive sensation in the chest, it has appeared at rest, lasts more than 5 minutes and you have other risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol and especially if you are over 50 years old or have a family history of myocardial infarction, call 061 to be evaluated appropriately. Avoid traveling and under no circumstances, drive to the hospital.