Pathology of the aorta: a normal life is possible

The aorta is the main vessel leaving the heart and carrying blood throughout the body. This artery can cause a series of pathologies that very often do not cause any type of symptomatology, but can cause relatively important risks if dilatation occurs. Dr. Evangelista, a specialist in Cardiology, explains what they are and what kind of habits we can follow to prevent them.

Currently, much progress has been made in the diagnosis of aortic diseases and the possible causes are known, such as hypertension, pathologies associated with the valve, cholesterol and smoking, among others. The family component is another major risk factor, since if a direct relative has suffered an aortic condition, the probabilities of developing an aortic disease are high.

How does aortic pathology develop?

It is common that, when the aorta dilates, the patient himself is not aware of it, since with intense exercise it becomes larger and larger until it ruptures in some cases. At this point, the situation worsens because there is a high risk of death. For this reason it is important to know the risk factors and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Is it possible to live with aortic problems?

Patients who suffer from some pathology associated with the aorta can live perfectly well. It is advisable that the fear of the aorta rupturing does not paralyze them in their daily life activities. It is recommended to limit isometric efforts such as weight lifting and to follow a healthy diet, as well as to undergo periodic examinations to control the pathology.

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How to prevent possible aortic pathologies

The most important thing is to try to avoid risk factors such as cholesterol, arterial hypertension and smoking, in addition to following habits that help in their prevention, such as physical exercise and undergoing periodic check-ups with electrocardiograms and ultrasound scans to rule out possible complications.

Nowadays medicine has enough resources to try to optimize the problems that a patient may have and to try to raise awareness of the fact that prevention is much better than cure.