Ovodonation: can a child who does not carry my genes look like me?

A woman can gestate a child, even if she cannot do so with her own eggs. This is possible thanks to the treatment of ovodonation.

This treatment consists of performing in vitro fertilization using eggs from a young, healthy and fertile donor. It is a simpler process than conventional in vitro fertilization treatments, because in this case ovarian stimulation is not necessary.

On the other hand, oocyte donation is a completely safe treatment, which offers high success rates. Even so, it often generates doubts for the future parents, because it is necessary to renounce the genetic load of one of the parents.

When my child does not carry my genes, will it be able to resemble me?

One of the questions that cause concern among couples is the question of whether their child will resemble them, even if it does not carry their genes. Incredible as it may seem, in many cases, the child born from an egg donation treatment will resemble its parents for a number of reasons.

On the one hand, thanks to the RDRP (Right Donor for the Right Patient) allocation system, the best donor can be found for each patient, which translates into genetic and blood group compatibility. In addition, at Ginefiv, donors are classified according to their traits in order to find the donor who most closely resembles the recipient and her partner.

On the other hand, there is always an environmental component that influences behavior and personality. This allows children to learn the ways of expressing themselves from their parents, which are not determined by genetic load. These gestures are what, in many cases, make it possible for us to perceive similarities between people in the same family.

Read Now 👉  Egg donation is one of the treatments that provide a better prognosis for pregnancy in Assisted Reproduction

What is epigenetics?

In relation to the above, epigenetics is the study of the modifications that occur in the way in which the different genetic characteristics of people manifest themselves depending on environmental factors.

In this sense, all the cells of the same organism have the same genetic load. However, the information they contain does not always manifest itself. In fact, only that which is influenced by the environment in which we grow up manifests itself. Thus, epigenetics is a fundamental factor in the development of a human being.

According to the latest epigenetic studies, the pregnant mother is able to modulate the genetic expression of the embryo, even if the genetic load is not the same.