Activities with children to improve memory, attention and concentration

To improve children’s memory, attention and concentration, a number of activities can be carried out, such as the following:

  • Encourage group games such as puzzles, flashcards, jigsaw puzzles, cards, interlocking, among others. We promote memory and work on turns.
  • Activities such as telling stories that have happened to us, that we have done at school, that we did on the weekend.
  • Matching games (number with number, image with image or image with word). There are a series of pictures arranged in pairs on the table, memorize them and then mix them up and turn them face down. You will have to figure out where the pairs are by picking up two simultaneously, and returning them to their place of origin if they do not match.
  • When he finishes an activity, you can describe what he has done, and then ask him again to explain it to us.
  • Watch a movie and ask him what happened, what characters were in it, what he liked the most.
  • Learn or memorize songs, rhymes, tongue twisters, or play at finding different objects around the house or in the classroom. We will have to be clear about their tastes and motivations in order to start from a series of elements that we can use in the intervention. For example, if he likes musical instruments, we can create a sequence of sounds and then he will have to repeat it.
  • Games on the computer or tablet. There are some very playful ones.
  • Show a figure for a few seconds, remove it and ask questions about it.
  • Repeat numbers or words, gradually increasing the number of words or numbers to be repeated. We can make the activity more effective if we use visual supports: real objects, photographs, pictograms. The difficulty increases if the words are monosyllabic, bisyllabic or polysyllabic. For example:
    • Monosyllables: yes, no, fish, fish, sun, salt, sea, foot, light, bread….
    • Bisyllables: duck, table, cup, boot, soup, dice, mushroom, hair…
    • Trisyllables: bathtub, shirt, pigeon, spoon, fork, rabbit…
    • Repeat sentences orally, gradually increasing the level of difficulty. For example: sentences containing subject + verb. Subject + verb + complement, and so on with longer sentences.
  • Notebooks for cognitive stimulation.