Magnetic Resonance Imaging: what it is, benefits and applications

What is the importance of magnetic resonance imaging?

It is one of the most important diagnostic methods of all those conceived so far. It is important because it is a non-invasive method and there is no need to apply radiation to obtain the images, and secondly because of the patient’s comfort and the reliability of the procedures.

What does 3 Tesla digital resonance imaging provide?

The 3 Tesla resonance, the one we have in this service, is a totally digitalized resonance, so we have three aspects that are important to point out. The first is patient comfort, since the procedures take very little time. The second would be reliability in terms of imaging, and the third, also linked to patient comfort, is that we have seen that in this MRI there is practically no major impediment in the rest of the MRIs, which is the complete absence of claustrophobia.

How does it benefit the patient?

The benefits for patients, apart from what we have already mentioned in terms of comfort, are many. First of all, the patient benefits in all the studies that are performed in neurology, that is to say in neuroradiology. The second, the benefits we get on the diagnosis in all the pathology of the breast. The third would be the diagnosis on cardiac imaging which is absolutely spectacular. And the fourth would be prostate pathology, all prostate tumors have a diagnosis with a very high reliability, more than 90% of tumors are diagnosed by this procedure.