These are the main causes of infertility in men and women

Infertility is a fairly popular problem today, affecting about a quarter of the population.

Wanting a baby is natural, and many couples plan the time in their lives when they will have their child. Conceiving a child seems easy, so when a couple encounters infertility problems, they may suffer an emotional crisis. For the treatment of this emotional crisis, it is essential for the couple to have a good diagnosis of the infertility problem, as well as a correct infertility treatment and detailed information on the possibilities of each moment and the existing techniques.

Causes of male infertility

Mainly, they are defects in the spermatozoa, such as:

  • Low sperm count
  • Abnormality in the semen
  • Dead spermatozoa
  • Absence of acrosome: vesicle containing the enzymes that allow crossing the oocyte to fertilize it.
  • High levels of sperm DNA fragmentation.
  • Absence of spermatozoa in the testicle.
  • Sexual dysfunction

Causes of female infertility

The most common causes of female infertility are ovarian failure, fallopian tube disorders, uterine dysfunction and endometriosis, among others.

Nowadays, the age of the woman is very important, since after 35 years of age the ovaries lose the capacity to create quality oocytes. From the age of 40 onwards, a very small number of oocytes are obtained, almost nil.

This causes emotional problems for the woman because of work demands or because she has not been able to plan the desired pregnancy before, and usually leads to an assisted reproduction program using her oocytes or those of a donor.

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Mixed causes of infertility

The union of female infertility factors with male alterations hinders the union of gametes and/or pregnancy. If the fertility in the female is weak and the male presents a deficient sperm, a case of infertility may occur.

As long as one of the two partners has a strong fertile factor, even if the other has a weak one, they will always be able to conceive a child without problems.