“Dry eye”, an epidemic of our time

Many cases of irritated eyes and chronic and allergic conjunctivitis, including failure after cataract or myopia surgery, have in common the fact of suffering from dry eye. Nowadays, in ophthalmology we have technology and ophthalmologists specialized in this disease, who can detect it and treat it until it is cured.


– Being female.

– Hormonal changes (puberty, menopause and thyroid).

– Medications (antidepressants, estrogens and eye drops).

-Chemical toxicity (mascara and face masks).

– Excessive use of contact lenses.

– Rheumatic and skin diseases (acne and rosacea).

– Chronic stress.

– Unbalanced diet (low in omega 3).

In most cases of dry eye there is a poor quality tear, the natural fat secreted by the eyelid glands (Meibomian glands) is missing. This tear does not lubricate the surface of the eye well and does not protect it from the action of the air, which dries it out and, in turn, deteriorates the tissues, causing the typical discomfort of stinging and gritty sensation. Nowadays we have new technologies that allow us to diagnose the presence of dry eye, such as the level of lipids in the tear, its distribution and dynamics on the eye, the osmolarity and inflammatory reaction and the analysis of the Meibomian glands by means of optical interferometry (Meibography).

The most important advances have been made in treatment. We have more effective medications and, above all, the possibility of restoring the functioning of the Meibomian glands, the tear film and regenerating damaged tissues.

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In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada, led by Dr. Carlos Vergés, with more than twenty years of experience, we are pioneers in dry eye, in its diagnosis and treatment, with a multidisciplinary team of ophthalmologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, dermatologists and rheumatologists. The objective is to treat the ocular process and, at the same time, the causes that generate it. With this approach we have achieved over 90% success rate in the treatment of dry eye.