Voice pathologies and disorders: which are the most common and how to treat/prevent them

It is very common in the speech therapy office to find a large number of cases of dysphonia due to muscle tension. These appear due to a prolonged use of the voice with a technique that is not adequate, for example, we try to speak longer, louder or in a frequency that is not the most comfortable, forcing or squeezing the vocal cords.

Can voice disorders be prevented?

Proper daily vocal hygiene can be fundamental for the care of our vocal cords. A very important point is to maintain good hydration, either by drinking water or by direct hydration through nebulizers. We can avoid certain habits harmful to the voice, it is advisable to eliminate the consumption of mint, reduce the consumption of coffee, and eliminate the consumption of soft drinks and alcohol.

Does a singer need to take special care of his voice?

Singers are the elite athletes of the voice so, like other elite athletes, it is advisable to perform routines that keep their vocal cords in the best possible condition.

It is important that they maintain a training adapted to their personal needs, characteristics of their voice and style of music with a qualified singing teacher, it is also advisable to attend speech therapy sessions for the prevention of vocal pathologies.

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It is essential to have a periodic check-up with an otolaryngologist specialized in larynx to control the vocal folds.

I have a problem with my voice, when should I go for a consultation?

It is advisable to go with a dysphonia or loss of voice that lasts three days, when there are recurrent or sudden dysphonia.

When the voice is deeper than usual or raspy. When notes of the vocal range are lost when singing. Also when any other voice parameter is altered compared to the “old” voice.

What can happen if you don’t go?

If we let it go and continue with an incorrect pattern of vocal folds we can cause a vocal pathology such as nodules or polyps and need a surgical intervention by the otolaryngologist.

What does the treatment consist of?

A good biomechanical pattern of the system involved in voice production is taught through specific strategies and tools, with simple exercises that the patient can practice at home in order to integrate it in the shortest possible time and avoid possible recurrences.