When is orofacial myofunctional therapy necessary?

Orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) is a set of therapeutic techniques and procedures aimed at restoring as much as possible the functionality of the orofacial structures involved in many functions of vital importance in a person’s life: breathing, swallowing, chewing, voice and speech.

When is it necessary?

BMT is used in very diverse pathologies where there is an affectation at any level of the orofacial structures: dysphagia, voice pathologies, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA), dysfunctional swallowing (formerly called atypical swallowing), dyslalia, dysarthria, etc.

How is it performed and how long does it last?

The duration of the treatment will depend on the pathology to be treated, although it is very important that there is a correct programming of objectives adjusted to the person. For this, a good interdisciplinary evaluation is necessary where the Speech Therapy specialist, together with other medical professionals, establishes which are the areas to be treated to achieve a functionality that provides an improvement in the quality of life of the person.

The development of the therapeutic program should be well adjusted to each case in order to achieve a good adherence to the treatment as a fundamental basis for its success.

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