Conscious Sedation

The dentist, Dr. Joan Bladé, explains the method of conscious sedation as the best way for the patient to be relaxed at the dentist’s visit and to be able to follow the specialist’s instructions.

To make the visit to the dentist more pleasant and painless, dentists have incorporated the method of conscious sedation in many of the treatments. It consists of making the patient breathe a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen so that the patient feels a good sensation and relaxes. The sedation causes the patient to relax, but in no case does he/she lose consciousness. Under its effects, the patient is able to follow the instructions given by the doctor.

The combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen is known as “happy air” or “laughing gas” because it is not harmful and allows a maximum feeling of well-being, which in many cases would be difficult to achieve. Thus, fear and anxiety disappear and the dentist can work better, use the procedure faster and in a reliable way.

Conscious sedation is indispensable for those people with psychic disabilities, where fear and anxiety grow when they are exposed to the medical consultation. Without this method, the patient could suffer suffocation, tremors, sweating, muscle stiffness or even tachycardia.

It is also convenient for children. There are children who find it difficult to remain still and cooperate with the dentist; or they may be so afraid that they are unable to open their mouths. In these cases, sedation is a recommended alternative that helps children make the visit a positive one. Elderly people or people who do not have much time are also accustomed to sedation. In this way, several procedures can be performed in a single session and subsequent visits can be spared.

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The method of conscious sedation is called Sedentist and can be used in any of the treatments that the doctors of Grup Dr. Bladé require.