What is conscious sedation

Many patients, especially children and adolescents, have dental anxiety, which can be innate or acquired from bad experiences of their own or from family and friends. Even so, it is important that these patients are treated appropriately, so that treatments such as extractions or dental restorations do not involve a traumatic experience.

Sedation allows the prevention of traumatic dental situations when difficult treatments are performed. Specifically, conscious sedation, known as anxiolysis, is very suitable in pediatric dentistry to perform dental treatments without fear or pain.

Minimal sedation with Protoxide

Also called Psychosedation, it is a minimal sedation, which is performed with protoxide, a mixture of two gases: oxygen and nitrous oxide. This mixture is dispensed by means of a breathing mask, which is placed over the nose, allowing them to relax, but not to fall asleep. In some cases, this sedation is supplemented with the administration of anxiolytic drugs to increase the effectiveness of the sedation.

This is a very safe and effective technique to use in children’s dental treatment and has no side effects. However, some children may respond with increased drowsiness or may be more emotionally sensitive.

In any case, it is important that parents inform the specialist about any changes in the child’s health, respiratory discomfort or if the child is taking any medication.

Moderate sedation and deep sedation

Generally, minimal sedation is sufficient in most cases. However, there are patients who require a higher degree of sedation. Sedation treatments are always supervised by the anesthesiologist.

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What to do after the sedation appointment?

After the sedation treatment, the doctors will give the patient a series of indications that vary depending on the treatment as well as the level of sedation.

When is outpatient treatment under general anesthesia appropriate?

Some parents request that all dental treatment be performed while the child is asleep under general anesthesia. However, this treatment should be performed in the operating room, after evaluation of the patient and his or her needs with the anesthesiologist.