Dentist phobia? Conscious sedation may be your best solution

Dr. Navarro, a specialist in dentistry in Murcia, explains in this article what conscious sedation consists of, a treatment used by patients with a phobia of undergoing oral procedures.

The solution for those who suffer the most

For those patients whose visits to the dentist are a real ordeal, treatments such as conscious sedation, a safe and reliable procedure, have been created. The patient has to attend the consultation on an empty stomach and in one or two sessions the required treatment is carried out under the effects of conscious or unconscious sedation, with the collaboration of a qualified anesthesiologist for the treatment of children and adolescents.

The patient does not feel pain during the treatment and after a short period of time is discharged when he has recovered from the effects of the sedative. The vast majority of cases do not require a second intervention, so the patient is satisfied with the treatment.

The definitive solution

After many years of treatment, dentists specializing in this procedure have achieved the perfect combination of technique, dental materials, local anesthetics and sedatives.

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