Children have to go to the dentist from an early age

On more than one occasion, all parents ask themselves the same question: when should I take my child to the dentist? The answer from the specialists -although it may come as a surprise- is that you should take your little ones to the dentist from day one, even before they have their first periodontal period.

The reason is simple, since the sooner the oral hygiene process begins, the less likely it is that the child will develop some type of periodontal disease or caries. In fact, it should be noted that in its initial stage, the evolution of a cavity can be stopped, although if it manages to progress to the dentin and nerve pulp), it must be intervened to avoid possible oral and / or facial infections.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that the first visit to the dentist be made when the child is one year old. Normally, the first tooth appears at around six months of age, and even if the child does not have all of them by one year of age, it is advisable to take him or her to the dentist.

In this way, during the first visit the child is made to feel comfortable during the visit, and at the same time information is provided to the parents about oral hygiene, transmission of bacteria, fluoride, possible diets or non-nutritive sucking habits, such as pacifiers, among others?

Good habits to maintain children’s oral health

It is important that parents have information about oral habits to apply from day one:

  • Clean the gums from birth, using gauze or silicone thimbles.
  • Children between zero and three years of age should perform oral hygiene with a toothbrush adapted to their mouth.
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Oral hygiene is performed both to establish good oral habits and to ensure protection of the primary teeth. Once a child becomes accustomed to proper dental cleaning, a pattern of oral care will gradually develop that he or she will maintain for the rest of his or her life.

For more information on oral hygiene in children, consult a dental specialist.