5 frequently asked questions about lipolaser

What is the difference between liposuction and lipolaser?

The fundamental difference between the two techniques is that while traditional liposuction uses a cannula to aspirate the fat, laser-assisted liposuction or lipolaser uses a cannula containing a fiber (laser) to soften the fat so that it can be easily suctioned out.

Therefore, the lipolaser is an improvement when it comes to removing fat permanently. Another fundamental advantage of the laser is its coagulation capacity (reduction of the risk of bleeding) and the skin tightening effect. This translates into a much faster and more bearable postoperative period, since we will reduce the hematoma and inflammation and we will improve the skin tightening considerably.

Can an obese person undergo these treatments?

Technically possible, but not recommended. Liposuction techniques are intended to improve body contouring and are slimming treatments.

The ideal patient for this type of intervention is the one who wishes to improve his figure and get rid of the fat that cannot be eliminated with diet or exercise.

In which cases is lipolaser indicated?

In practically all cases. It is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia and light sedation, which achieves the goal of eliminating fat very effectively.

There is only one case in which I usually prefer traditional liposuction, and that is when we want to use some of the fat to perform, for example, a facial filler.

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Are the results definitive?

As long as the patient continues with the same healthy lifestyle habits, yes, it is definitive. In cases of significant weight gain, the areas not subjected to this treatment will see their volume altered.

Is there any risk?

As in all surgery, the candidate patient must be evaluated. If the preoperative evaluation is positive, there is, in principle, no specific risk.