Treatment of keratoconus with intracorneal rings

Keratoconus is a degenerative disease in which the cornea becomes increasingly thinner and curved. As the disease progresses it begins to deform and weaken causing the eye to have more difficulty refracting light and focusing images sharply. The cornea is in charge of this function and, therefore, its correct functioning is very important.

What alterations can be caused by keratoconus?

When you suffer from these alterations of keratoconus in the cornea:

  • Images are perceived distorted.
  • Astigmatism problems appear.
  • Visual capacity decreases.

What is the cause of keratoconus?

It usually develops due to genetic factors, being mostly caused by a rubbing habit or allergies.

Does it affect both eyes?

Yes, this pathology affects both eyes, although almost always one eye more than the other. However, in most cases it can be solved thanks to a treatment with intracorneal rings.

Are there any side effects?

No. Patients who want to improve their quantity and quality of vision can do so with the implantation of intracorneal rings or intrastomal rings to treat keratoconus. On the other hand, the deterioration of visual health itself makes it incompatible to perform any laser technique to correct refractive problems. This is due to the weakness and fragility of the cornea.

What do intracorneal rings consist of?

They are ring-shaped pieces of acrylic material, which are used to strengthen the structure of the cornea and modify its curvature. Its objective is not to completely improve the prescription, but to reduce it so that the eye acquires a greater tolerance to contact lenses and the vision with glasses improves significantly. In addition, the implantation of these rings can be combined with intraocular lenses without any problem.

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The implantation requires a surgical intervention in which tunnels are created in the cornea in order to place the rings. It is an outpatient surgery, without complications, which is also reversible. Postoperative recovery is rapid and the patient will be able to lead a completely normal life after 48 hours of rest. However, it will be necessary to wait three months for the cornea to stabilize completely.

For more information or advice about this technique, you can visit the Clínica Oftalmológica García de Oteyza. Our professionals will advise you on the best option in your case. In case of visual difficulties, it is advisable to have a complete eye examination beforehand in order to have a diagnosis and an idea of the possible treatment.