Women and Alcoholism

The incidence of problems derived from the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages by the female population seems to be increasing. This fact is considered to be true by many scholars on the subject.

Since the sixties of the last century, it has been observed that alcohol consumption by women in our environment has spread to all social classes.

It seems that there is no model of alcoholic woman and this may be due to the fact that in modern society new factors have appeared that push women to drink. Loneliness, boredom due to increased leisure time, family and marital pressures, marital separations, menopause, frustrations of all kinds, the feeling of emptiness when children grow up and leave home, the struggle for new independence, the search for identity, the cult of individualism, the ease of acquiring alcohol at low prices, etc., are factors that can lead women to the repeated consumption of alcoholic beverages. And, therefore, to dependence.

Given that in our society the stigma attached to women alcoholics is much greater than that attached to men, it is much more difficult for them to ask for help for their problems, to answer a survey honestly (even anonymously) and, of course, to be willing to enter treatment. However, properly directed treatment is not only possible, but recommended and very effective.

We know that no two people are alike. Based on the circumstances, the individual context and once the problem has been assumed, we must help to achieve and maintain abstinence with the appropriate medication. At the same time, a personalized psychotherapy will be designed and if possible with an end date, established in the first sessions.