How are wisdom teeth extracted?

Wisdom teeth are the third molar, known as wisdom teeth, which usually appear between the ages of 17 and 20. Sometimes they can appear earlier, much later, or never appear at all. Sometimes all four molars do not erupt, but only some of them.

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth are extracted by a specialist in dentistry in cases where they cause discomfort (severe or acute pain, repeated infections, caries in the second molars due to poor hygiene, etc.) or when a radiological pathological sign is found (a cyst or erosion of roots of other teeth).

It is also performed in the case of orthodontic treatment, in order to prevent recurrence.

How are wisdom teeth extracted?

Local anesthesia is applied for the extraction of wisdom teeth, and after:

  • If the molars are protruding, they are removed with surgical instruments.
  • If the teeth are impacted: an incision has to be made to remove them and stitches have to be placed.

Occasionally, after removing an impacted wisdom tooth in a horizontal position, there is usually tooth mobility of the neighboring tooth. Most of the time this mobility is temporary, and after 1 or 2 weeks it usually disappears.

The cause of the mobility may be a consequence of the dentist having leaned on the neighboring tooth to force the tooth during the extraction movements. This usually resolves itself without major problems, and a soft diet and daily chewing on the opposite side is recommended to allow the affected tooth to rest.

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What recovery does the patient need?

Full recovery after the extraction of a wisdom tooth occurs after one or two weeks, depending on each case. After the operation, in addition to feeling pain, it is normal that the wound may bleed for at least 24 hours. For this reason, a gauze will be applied over the wound, which should be kept tight for about 20 minutes and changed successively as long as the bleeding continues.