Guided surgery on dental implants

Dental implants are the most used option, as well as the most effective, to replace missing teeth. This technique is safe, comfortable and painless, thus contributing to the patient’s quality of life. Dr. Jaime Jiménez, surgical director of the Ciro Clinic in Madrid and director of the implant department of the European University of Madrid, explains everything you need to know about this technique.

What is guided dental implant surgery?

Guided surgery is done through a computer and involves a computerized technique that helps to place dental implants. As a main advantage, this allows the quality of the placement to be higher, as well as the treatment to be faster.

This technique also allows the placement of the implants to be much more precise, which influences in a minimally invasive way.

How guided surgery is performed

Computer-guided surgery allows the implants to be placed in exactly the right place, something that will have been planned in advance thanks to the help of computers and 3D technology. The use of an intraoral scanner makes it possible to obtain a three-dimensional image of the patient’s jawbone, which, together with the CAD/CAM software, makes it possible to study the jawbone and assess the best spot in which to place the implant.

After this study, the doctor receives a template that allows him to precisely guide and place the screws. This means that the entire gum does not have to be opened, since the placement points have been previously selected virtually. This technique also allows immediate loading, which facilitates a successful result and the esthetic and functional rehabilitation in a single session.