Neural Therapy, an effective treatment for pain

Neural Therapy (NT) is a way of treating the person through the nervous system (NS), especially the vegetative NS.

All tissues and organs of our body have nerve fibers to regulate their functions and these are connected to each other as a network and to the central nervous system. The SN is one of the ways by which tissues, organs, emotions and thoughts are related to each other, forming part of a superior reality, the human being.

This nervous network connects and relates all the organs and tissues of our body.

Neural Therapy (NT) aims to neutralize irritations that have been affecting the SN throughout the life of the person, so that it recovers its ability to balance the functions of the organism, in its broadest sense and following its own order.

In which cases is Neural Therapy recommended?

The most frequent reasons for consultation are cases of acute or chronic pain: osteo-articular pain, muscle or tendon pain, migraines, allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions, psoriasis and other skin conditions, recurrent infections, inflammations, gynecological conditions, ENT such as tinnitus, genito-urinary problems, neuralgia, depression and lately I am increasingly seeing patients with stress and anxiety.

Any irritation, whether mechanical (trauma, scars), toxic (infection, inflammation), thermal (burns), chemical (drugs), emotional (stress), etc. can affect at a local level or at a distance in other parts of the body more weakened or predisposed, producing diseases or various symptoms. The Nervous System never forgets.

These irritative foci provoke conditions and diseases at a distance (interfering fields) through these nerve connections. These interfering fields can be disconnected and neutralized by a neuraltherapeutic (NT) impulse by localizing the irritative point, which is located at a distance from the diseased or painful area.

These interfering fields can usually appear after surgical interventions, wisdom teeth eruption, recurrent tonsillitis in childhood, after cesarean section, after abdominal surgeries (appendix, laparotomies, hernias, uterus, etc.).

One of the areas where most irritative foci exist is in the mouth, since it is related to the whole organism and presents a great wealth of innervation and nervous interactions of the vegetative SN-cranial nerves-visceral nerves, etc. Dental conditions, infections, inflammations, old extractions with scars, root canals, implants, bad occlusion, metals, amalgams, etc. are frequent.

Anyone, including children and pregnant women can be treated with Neural Therapy (NT), regardless of the disease they have.

What are the benefits of Neural Therapy?

  • It is a personalized experience, where changes begin to take place on an emotional, mental, physical and humanistic level. We uncover layers and blockages during this transformation process. The objective is that the patient can reach his full potential as a human being, in which there is this balance that allows him to take control of his life.
  • It is an Information Medicine, totally respectful of the personal process of each patient and my role is to accompany you on this journey. Success comes through changes that occur at a global level (physical-emotional-mental-consciousness).

What does Neural Therapy consist of?

When a nerve fiber is irritated, nerve conduction is affected, so that a normal stimulus can become pathological, or the irritation itself can generate pathological stimuli that affect the nerve network. In this way, not only the tissues that depend on this nerve fiber are altered, but also other more distant tissues, which for some reason are already weak or predisposed, may also be altered.

Irritating factors of the nervous system (NS) can be: acute or repeated infections, scars, chronic inflammations, toxic substances, emotional shocks, dental affections, etc., which can cause a disease or various symptoms in the patient.

The “Life History” of the person is fundamental to locate the possible irritative foci of the SN, and Neural Therapy (NT) aims to neutralize them, so that the SN recovers its regulatory functions and the organism recovers its self-healing mechanisms.

Research has shown that the application of local anesthetics in low concentrations can neutralize the irritated focus of the nervous tissue, repolarizing its electrical potential and stabilizing its membrane.

In Neural Therapy we basically inject procaine diluted in serum (0.5% – 1%), and as an alternative we use lidocaine.

We must emphasize that the effect is not anesthetic, since the substance is injected in small quantities and in low concentrations, and often it is not applied in the areas of pain. In addition, procaine is metabolized in the same blood plasma within a few minutes.

The most important thing is where we inject the local anesthetic. We will only achieve the effect if we apply it in the points where there is irritation or in the specific points of the nervous system (SN) that have a direct relationship with the disease. For this reason it is essential to us the “Life History” of the person and the exploration with all our senses.

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Injecting these small quantities of a local anesthetic in the nerve points of areas that have suffered injuries or aggressions makes it possible to unblock these irritative foci, to make the distal and local effects they cause disappear, and to restore the nervous system’s capacity for self-regulation.

Of all the organs, the skin contains the greatest number of nerve fibers. Therefore, the most common puncture sites are located at the subcutaneous, intradermal level.

Is it compatible with other treatment?

Yes, it is compatible with any other treatment, whether pharmacological or naturopathic. The therapeutic approach to the patient is established from an integrative vision, from their “Life History” and their health and disease processes.

It is a Personalized Medicine. It approaches the patient in all his vital dimensions (physical, emotional, mental, social…).

How long does the effect of neural therapy last?

There is often a rapid response. Most people feel very relaxed after applying the therapy, with slight dizziness that subsides in a short time; however, some people feel prostrated and very tired the following days, we believe that this is because they are making changes in their organism, and we generally value them as positive.

Other people feel especially vital. It is not uncommon for a person to already feel an improvement after the first session.

It is intended that, from therapy, the body begins to make changes and begin to uncover blockages and information. It is usual to need several sessions to modulate and unblock these interferences.

The objective is that the patient himself is also taking charge of the evolutionary process and is acquiring more and more self-confidence and security.

Adverse effects of Neural Therapy?

The procaine used is free of preservatives, so adverse reactions are exceptional.

  • In some cases there is an initial worsening of symptoms, and they usually subside within a few days. In this case, it is best to drink plenty of water and follow a cleansing diet to help the body cleanse and drain the tissues. With time it will be possible to evaluate if this reaction was what in naturopathic medicine is known as a Healing Crisis and that we consider necessary to advance in the Healing Process.
  • It is rare, but sometimes there may be a mild reaction (swelling or pain in the punctured area). In these cases we advise the application of hot water wipes (not mat), as they relax the tissues and dilate the vessels. In any case, they are temporary and without consequences.

Since the beginning of NT, we have also worked with children and pregnant women. The experience accumulated by thousands of neural therapists with hundreds of thousands of patients from different countries allows us to affirm that it is a safe therapy if the technique is well known.

What does a Neural Therapy consultation consist of?

Approximately 1 hour or more is dedicated to the first visit, in which the “Life History” of the patient is taken and the treatment is started.

For me, a good connection and doctor-patient interaction is fundamental; that a relationship of equals is established. I need to know and deepen in the patient’s life history. We inquire about their medical history (diseases, allergies, surgical interventions, etc.), nutritional habits, emotional and mental aspects, their level of consciousness. We delve into important events during their life because for me they are of vital importance and can explain their symptomatology or disease.

Usually a monthly follow-up is done to give time to the changes that may appear and to be able to observe their duration. If there is any worsening, there is no improvement or it lasts a short time, we advise you to contact your therapist and consider doing a session before.

It is also frequent that, after these changes, the patient begins to manage the process and in these cases the consultation can be spaced out.

Often, and especially in girls and boys, two to four scheduled sessions are necessary, and the therapy is reapplied in case of reappearance of the symptoms that were the reason for consultation or the appearance of other new or old symptoms.

In reality, everything depends on each patient, so it is not possible to establish a protocol of action and we adapt to the patient’s needs and their evolution in the process.

Are there any contraindications to Neural Therapy?

The greatest risks are given by the possibility of allergy to the anesthetic procaine (it is very rare); in some cases, doctors decide to make a small intradermal injection in the arm to test that you are not allergic to the drug that is going to be given.

For people with coagulation disorders or undergoing treatment with anticoagulants, we can only give superficial injections, which are often enough.

It would also be contraindicated in patients with severe arterial hypotension, in acute outbreak of Myasthenia Gravis and in people who are taking Sulfonamides (an antibiotic of very unusual use nowadays).