Ultrasonic rhinoplasty: a revolutionary technique to reshape the nose

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is one of the most advanced procedures in nose surgery. It is a revolutionary technique, as it is fast, precise, less traumatic and with a quick recovery.

Currently, ultrasonic rhinoplasty is the most innovative technique for treating deformities and improving the aesthetics of the nose.

Although ultrasound is a technique with many applications in the field of aesthetics (such as treatment of cellulite, varicose veins, fat accumulation or scars), it also offers a solution for nose surgery, reducing the appearance of hematomas.

How is an ultrasonic rhinoplasty performed?

It is a surgery performed with a special piezoelectric scalpel, which allows to file the bone and break it in a controlled and precise way. This allows a great precision in the remodeling of the nose, respecting the adjacent tissues (skin, blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, mucosa, muscles).

The procedure lasts approximately 2 hours and is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia.

Differences between ultrasonic rhinoplasty and traditional rhinoplasty

The great advantage of ultrasonic rhinoplasty over traditional rhinoplasty is the way the bone is worked. In the conventional technique, hammers are used to make a fracture in the bone of the nose. In contrast, with ultrasonic rhinoplasty, the bone is also broken, but in a controlled manner, avoiding damage to other nasal structures. This means that there is less edema, less bruising and also less swelling, shortening the recovery time.

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Are there any scars?

In ultrasonic rhinoplasty only a visible cut is made in the area between the two nostrils. It is a millimetric incision, which after two or three months will be practically imperceptible. The rest of the nasal tissues are not affected, so there will be no other marks or scars.

What is the postoperative period like?

The postoperative period of an ultrasonic rhinoplasty does not usually involve great discomfort. The patient has to wear a splint for a week and will hardly feel any pain.

In some cases, bruises may appear around the eyes, but they are not usually excessive and disappear spontaneously within a week.

When can normal life be resumed?

One week after the operation, when the splint is removed, the patient can return to normal life. Even so, it is not advisable to practice sports or intense physical exercise for a month. It is also advisable not to wear glasses during this time.

Definitive results

From 4-6 weeks after the procedure, the results of ultrasonic rhinoplasty can be appreciated. However, the nose takes a year to reach its final shape, depending on the patient’s skin type.

Who is ultrasonic rhinoplasty indicated for?

It is a revolutionary technique available to all patients who are candidates for conventional rhinoplasty. Even so, conventional rhinoplasty remains the technique of choice for the most complicated cases.