Caesarean section

What is a cesarean section?

A cesarean section is primarily a surgery to deliver a baby through an incision through the mother’s abdomen. Most cesarean sections are performed when, at the time of starting a natural delivery, unexpected problems occur that prevent a safe natural delivery.

It is generally safe for both the mother and the baby, although as a major surgery it involves the risks of a surgical procedure. Occasionally, some women find it difficult to deliver vaginally at a later date, although many women are able to deliver vaginally after a previous cesarean section.

Why is a cesarean section performed?

A cesarean section is an “emergency” measure that is performed when the pregnant woman encounters difficulties or problems in giving birth naturally. Some of the reasons for which a cesarean section may be performed are:

  • Maternal health problems: there is an active herpes infection, the mother has a serious illness such as heart disease, uterine fibroids, HIV, or has had a previous cesarean section or uterine surgery.
  • The size or position of the baby: the head is too large to pass through the vagina, the baby is too large.
  • The mother has a multiple pregnancy
  • The baby’s health may be at risk if not delivered.
  • Labor is not progressing, at least as it should.
  • Problems with the placenta and/or umbilical cord.
  • The baby’s position

What is a cesarean section?

Cesarean delivery is used when for some reason it is not possible for the mother to give birth vaginally or when it is not safe for her.

The process is performed when the woman is awake, although she is anesthetized from the thorax down. Epidural anesthesia or spinal anesthesia is used for this purpose.

The cesarean section technique is as follows:

  • First, the surgeon performing the cesarean section will make an incision across the abdomen just above the pubic area.
  • Next, the womb of the uterus and the amniotic sac are opened.
  • Finally, through the opening made, the baby is delivered.
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Subsequently, the baby is cleaned and the umbilical cord is cut, the area is sanitized and sutured. The duration of the cesarean section is around one hour.

Cesarean section is usually performed when there are problems in giving birth.

Preparation for cesarean section

Sometimes a patient who has had a previous cesarean delivery herself is unable to deliver vaginally for physical reasons. It is then when the decision is made to deliver the baby by cesarean section.

Previously, as in any surgical intervention, a previous physical examination, a study of the patient’s clinical history, a control of the pregnancy follow-up tests and a previous analysis must be carried out.

However, a large number of cesarean deliveries are caused by problems in the mother or the fetus or by an impossibility to deliver the baby naturally, so surgery is chosen.

Care after the operation

After a cesarean section, the mother is usually admitted to the hospital for two to three days to recover from the surgery.

As it is a surgical procedure, recovery after a cesarean section is longer than for a vaginal delivery.

Immediately after the cesarean section, the patient may feel dizziness and nausea, which are completely normal symptoms after undergoing the procedure. After surgery, the patient will be transferred to a recovery room where her health will be monitored, with special attention to her blood pressure and uterine firmness.

Although it is not easy, it is recommended that the patient try to stand up at least two or three times a day, as it may speed up recovery. However, this should be done with someone who can help, in case any dizziness occurs.

Alternatives to cesarean section

Apart from vaginal and cesarean birth, there is an alternative, called water birth, which has recently become very popular. In this case, when contractions begin, the mother is immersed in a bathtub with warm water so that labor can begin.

In this case, water fosters a calm environment for the baby to be born.