
What are suicidal thoughts?

Suicidal thoughts is where a person seriously thinks about taking his or her own life. It can range from fleeting thoughts to detailed planning, role-playing (acting out suicide without actually doing it) and even failed attempts.

Many people experience suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives, but most never seriously consider suicide. However, frequent or intense suicidal thoughts are a risk factor for suicide. It is important to remember that help is always available for people contemplating suicide.

Prognosis of the disease

It is very important to be able to detect it early, since the person has intentions of taking his or her own life, for whatever reason. If left untreated, the consequences can lead to death; but if treated with the help of professionals such as psychologists or psychotherapists, the patient can heal and recover fully.

The prognosis will depend on the individual patient and his or her circumstances. But it should be noted that it is always possible to get better and get out of suicidal thoughts.

Suicide symptoms

There are different symptoms that warn about suicidal thoughts; it is important to detect them early and treat them before it is too late:

  • Talking about preferring to commit suicide
  • Planning a suicide
  • Isolating oneself from society
  • Going from euphoria to despair in hours or days
  • Feeling trapped
  • Using a lot of drugs
  • Saying goodbye to loved ones
  • Not having hope
  • Causes of illness
  • Not feeling the slightest appreciation for life
  • Changing routine (eating and sleeping)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
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Causes of suicidal thoughts

People may experience suicidal thoughts for a variety of reasons. It may occur due to intense emotional distress, perhaps caused by a traumatic or emotionally devastating event, such as the death of a loved one, the end of an important relationship, abuse, chronic illness, or a traumatic experience such as being in a war.

The individual’s self-esteem may be so low that he or she feels that his or her life has no value. Others may feel that the emotional pain they are experiencing is too much to bear and that dying would be easier. Some blame themselves in some way and may feel that they do not want to live.

Suicidal ideation is associated with mood disorders such as depression and other mental health disorders. Patients with borderline personality disorder tend to experience suicidal thoughts and feelings and may exhibit self-destructive and even suicidal behavior.

Treatments for Suicide

If you experience a lot of suicidal thoughts, it is important to seek help. Often, the first step is to talk about how you feel. This may be to a close friend or family member, or to someone you trust, such as a teacher. There are also organizations that exist to help people in this situation.

But it is urgently recommended to see a specialist, either a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Currently, it is treated through face-to-face therapies and combined with medication with antidepressants or anxiolytics, to facilitate the work and well-being of the patient.