
What is divorce?

Marital divorce is often a traumatic experience for some people, requiring the help of a specialist to lessen the effect it has on the patient.

Divorce phases

The phases of grief may not occur in an orderly fashion, but may be interspersed or even overlap. In addition, it is possible to regress to a previous phase once it was thought to have been overcome. For this reason, it is important to know all of them and to know how to overcome them at the time, if necessary with the help of a specialist in Psychology.

  • Denial: This is usually the first phase. The person does not accept that the relationship has ended and feels that the breakup is not real, goes into a state of shock and becomes obsessed with resuming the relationship no matter what. In this phase, pathologies such as anxiety, stress, insomnia and even panic attacks may occur.
  • Guilt: In this phase the person tends to make him/herself responsible for everything that has happened. However, this is not the solution. One must always be aware and take responsibility for what one has done, but not for the whole problem.
  • Hopelessness: the main feeling at this stage is sadness. The pain is usually accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. There is also the fear of not being loved again or being unable to overcome the relationship.
  • Anger: when the person feels frustrated, a feeling of rage and anger towards the other person is generated. When the breakup has been overcome, the feeling of anger will also have been overcome.
  • Acceptance: this is the turning point and the last stage to accept that the relationship is over. This is essential to start a new life.
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Marital divorce is a traumatic experience for some people.

Divorce Therapy

The treatment consists of therapy with the specialist in Psychology. The therapy will help you to regain self-esteem and self-confidence, as the fact of having to adapt to such a situation is not easy.

The main objective of the therapy is to accept the divorce and to do it in the way that best suits the person.

Steps to follow after a divorce

Divorce is a key moment in the life of every person. That is why it involves a great physical, economic, social, emotional and psychological wear and tear. The experts recommend to follow some indications to alleviate the stress that this situation can cause, since this stress can provoke diseases of all kinds. Among the advice given by the experts are:

  • Walk at a brisk pace for at least half an hour a day.
  • Review food intake and maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Rest so that cells can regenerate and revitalize themselves
  • Organize your time and manage emotions to find mental balance.
  • Identify strong emotions and manage them so that they do not affect you or the people around you.

Which specialist treats you?

Psychology professionals assess how we react to a new sense of loss of social support and how best to adapt to this new life change.