Male Aesthetics


  1. What is male aesthetics?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What does it consist of?
  4. Preparation for male aesthetics
  5. Post-treatment care

What is male aesthetics?

Male aesthetics includes all those treatments that involve improving the imperfections of the face and body, as well as rejuvenating the physical appearance providing natural results.

In general, most of the patients who come to the office are between 30 and 50 years old, so the treatments will depend on their age and the stage they are in.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular
most demanded treatments in men

Why is it performed?

Depending on the age of the patient the needs will be different. For example, younger men want to undergo treatments that allow them to maintain their physical appearance and optimal condition.

From the age of 35 onwards, anti-aging treatments are requested, with the aim of repairing and, above all, preventing the passage of time in the body and face. Some of the most demanded techniques are hyaluronic acid to rejuvenate the facial expression and, thus, delay wrinkles and flaccidity.

Other of the most demanded treatments are laser hair removal and the elimination of localized body fat in complicated areas.

What does it consist of?

Some of the main treatments that are applied are:

  • Peeling: especially when you have acne, to achieve a more uniform skin. It is a facial exfoliation to remove impurities.
  • Hyaluronic acid: it is used to fill the furrows, in order to eliminate wrinkles and smooth expression lines.
  • Tightening threads: threads are placed inside the skin by means of a fine needle, intertwining some threads to form a kind of mesh. They provide a tightening effect on the skin.
  • Laser hair removal: through the laser a controlled light is released that penetrates the hair and absorbs its melanin, which is responsible for giving it tone. This causes the hair to lose its color, weaken and eventually fall out.
  • Mesotherapy: microinjections are made with vitamins, hyaluronic acid and minerals to revitalize the skin.
  • Radiofrequency with pulsed light: eliminates spots and expression lines in areas of the face such as eyes, between the eyebrows and mouth.
  • Blepharoplasty: excess skin and fat is removed from the eyelids to improve the contour of the eyes, dark circles and bags.
  • Hair transplant: anesthesia is required, since the hair is inserted in the area through a fine needle.
  • Liposuction: there are different procedures to remove localized fat: traditional fat suction, ultrasound, dispersion, laser, water jet assisted.
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Preparation for male aesthetics

Depending on the treatment to be performed, the specialist will give some previous indications. It is important to come to the session with clean skin and free of makeup.

Care after treatment

They usually have a quick recovery because they are non-invasive treatments. In this sense, the effect is progressive, and in some cases several sessions must be performed to achieve definitive results.