
What is psychogeriatrics?

Psychogeriatrics is the science that deals with the mental and emotional health of the elderly. It treats both the natural processes that occur during aging and the patient who has additional illnesses or difficulties.

Why is it done?

Aging brings with it a greater prevalence of pathologies and in many cases a deterioration of the faculties and capacities that were present in youth. Loneliness and physical and mental deterioration are obstacles that many elderly people have to face in order to fully live this new stage of their lives. Psychogeriatrics seeks to help patients overcome these barriers and become happier.

What does it consist of?

Psychogeriatrics, like psychology, encompasses a wide variety of therapeutic techniques that will be applied according to each case, the needs and abilities of each patient. Psychogeriatric therapy consists of dialogue and bonding between the patient and his or her psychogeriatrician, as well as the involvement of the patient’s family and loved ones is often important, especially in cases of dependents.

Care after the psychogeriatric session

The ideal psychogeriatric treatment will consist of several sessions, with the patient progressing through therapy until any difficulties are overcome and the patient is discharged. It is possible that after each therapy session the patient will have to perform exercises to develop the concepts acquired in that session.