

  1. What is impingement?
  2. Symptoms of impingement
  3. What are the causes of impingement?
  4. Can it be prevented?
  5. What is the treatment?

What is an impingement?

A back impingement, also known as vertebral impingement, is a spinal injury caused by a blockage of one or more vertebrae that results in a significant loss of mobility. The impingement appears along the entire spinal column:

  • Lumbar impingement: this is the most common impingement, since it is in this area where we concentrate the greatest rotation and force on a daily basis.
    The displacement of an intervertebral disc towards the outside of the spinal column. This displacement causes pressure or “pinching” on the nerves that run along the spinal cord. A pinched nerve is the origin of sciatica.
  • Cervical impingement: Cervical pain is often caused by an injury near the root of a nerve in the spinal cord, known as the spinal nerve. A nerve root injury is sometimes called a “pinched” nerve. The medical term for this condition is cervical radiculopathy.
  • Dorsal impingement: This is not usually as common or as painful as in the vertical or lumbar region. It is in the upper latissimus dorsi where it occurs most often.

Lumbar impingement is the most common.

Symptoms of impingement

The symptoms, well defined, vary depending on how the impingement occurs. Initially, the first thing the patient will notice is pain which, if left untreated, will increase until it can limit the functioning of the muscles and limbs.

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The most common symptoms are:

  • Tingling in the legs
  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness or weakness in the affected areas.

A clear sign of lumbar impingement is joint cracking. If the impingement occurs in the dorsal area, we will notice a pinch in the back when we breathe in.

What are the causes of impingement?

Vertebral impingement is due to an injury to a vertebra because of a blockage. It appears as different causes:

  • Overstretching: having lifted a load and feeling almost instantly “a crunch”. It is one of the most common causes.
  • Maintaining bad postures for a long time due to our work.
  • Suffering from osteoarthritis.
  • A traumatic accident.

If it is maintained for a long time and causes discomfort, it could eventually lead to a herniated disc.

Can it be prevented?

One of the best ways to prevent back impingement is to take care of our postural hygiene.

We must limit the weight we carry and always remember that the back is the axis of our body and, therefore, it is necessary to promote harmonious movements and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

What does the treatment consist of?

The first thing to do is to have a medical diagnosis. With high probability the most advisable treatment that will be indicated will be a combination between the administration of drugs to relieve pain and physiotherapy sessions.

When the impingement has occurred in the lumbar area, a treatment with magnet therapy using lumbar bands may be effective.

If the impingement has occurred in the cervical area, a cervical traction collar may be used to relieve pressure on the vertebrae.