
What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a very painful pathology that can last several days. It is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve, i.e. due to inflammation or injury of this nerve. Sciatica is not a disease on its own, but is a symptom of another health problem.

Sciatic pain is pain caused by inflammation or injury of the sciatic nerve, sometimes caused by its compression in muscle contractures, by a disc displacement of the spine or by a narrowing of the nerve canal.

It usually causes a radiating pain that extends from the back to the leg, even up to the foot. The musculature around the area tends to contract in response to the pain, aggravating the situation. In other occasions it is the disc of the column the one that moves backwards, pressing to the nerve.

Sciatic pain is pain caused by inflammation or injury to the sciatic nerve.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms produced by sciatica can make the patient’s quality of life difficult. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

  • Pain: the degree of pain can vary from a mild pain that barely causes discomfort, to a dull or very intense pain that hinders the ability to move.
  • Tingling: occurs in the legs, calves and feet.
  • Numbness: those areas in which pain and tingling occur may feel numb.
  • Weakness: it is very common for some parts of the body to feel weak.
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Causes of sciatica or why it occurs

The most common causes of sciatica are:

  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Piriformis syndrome
  • Injury or fracture of the pelvis
  • Tumors

Can it be prevented?

Sciatica cannot be prevented because it is not a disease, but a symptom. However, specialists recommend regular exercise and correct postural hygiene.

What is the treatment?

Since sciatica is a symptom of another condition, the cause must be identified and treated.

In some cases, no treatment is necessary and recovery occurs on its own. In others, the patient must undergo drug treatment or physical therapy.