Occupational Medical Examination

What is the occupational medical examination?

The certificate of fitness for work or occupational medical examination is a certificate focused on occupational risk. The worker cannot request a visit to assess his or her fitness for work from his or her family doctor, but only from the doctor assigned to him or her by his or her employer.

An occupational medical examination analyzes the impact of work on the worker’s health.

What does it consist of?

During this examination, the impact of the work on the worker’s health is analyzed, for example, the use of the screen, postures, movements, noise or the handling of goods. The examination aims to check the effective suitability of the worker for his or her specific task. The general structure of the examination is an interview, a physical examination and a complementary examination. If the competent Internal Medicine physician deems it necessary for the approval of the certificate, he/she may request the performance of specific clinical/biological tests and diagnostic investigations.

Why is it performed?

The occupational medical examination is performed to protect the worker from occupational hazards or accidents at work, for a preventive health assessment and for periodic check-ups that are intended to monitor the worker’s state of health over time.

Meaning of abnormal results

The fitness-for-duty test may be positive, thus allowing the worker to continue working, or negative:

  • Partial incapacity: the worker will not be assigned all the tasks indicated in the suitability assessment.
  • Total incapacity: the worker will have to leave his/her current position, and will be assigned another one adapted to his/her health condition.