Looped ears

Protruding ears, lop ears or also known as protruding ears are a fairly common congenital malformation. It usually consists of a lack of cartilage folding in the area of the antehelix, which causes an aesthetic defect of a very extended and flat ear. On other occasions, it is caused by a very developed part of the cartilage, which causes the ears to be very separated from the head, projecting sideways. This defect does not represent a health risk, but it causes a lack of confidence in many people who do not look good.

Otoplasty is the Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery technique that treats protruding ears. It is advisable to perform this type of intervention from 6-7 years of age, which is when the ears have already completed their development.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in children and local anesthesia with sedation in adults. After the operation, the patient must wear a bandage for 48 hours, and the stitches are removed after 7 days, leaving scars that are hidden and imperceptible behind the ears.

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