
What is frontoplasty?

Frontoplasty or forehead reduction surgery is a surgical technique indicated to reduce a wide forehead, which is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis (without admission).

This surgery is indicated for patients who:

  • Have a high hairline and a wide forehead.
  • Individuals with low eyebrows
  • Men with thick hair density and no family history of hair loss.
  • Men who have a new hairline created by hair grafting.

Why is it performed?

When the forehead is longer than 6 cm, it can alter facial balance and detract from attractiveness. In the case of women, a very wide forehead makes them look older and masculine. Many of them do not feel comfortable with their hair up and are forced to wear bangs.

The causes of a wide forehead can be hereditary or non-hereditary (acquired) due to hair loss. It can also be caused (iatrogenic) in patients who have undergone brow lift surgery.

Frontoplasty can reduce the hairline up to 5 cm.

What does it consist of?

Reduction frontoplasty consists of advancing the hairline to achieve a well-proportioned forehead size. The surgery is performed by removing the excess skin and not implanting the missing hair, is the only technique that allows immediate aesthetic results from the first moment. This procedure can reduce the hairline up to 5 cm and the duration of surgery is usually between 2 and 3 hours.

The scar it leaves is very thin, and as it goes right between the hair and the skin of the forehead, it is hardly noticeable. In addition, as the scar matures over the weeks and the hair grows over it, the scar is hidden and well concealed. This takes place 3-6 months post-surgery.

Preparation for frontoplasty

One of the most effective ways to ensure the best possible outcome is for the patient to be in the best possible state of physical and mental health prior to surgery.

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In addition, the following steps should be taken before undergoing the procedure:

  • Review of complete medical history: it is important to inform the surgeon if the patient has an eye-related condition such as glaucoma, dry eye or retinal detachment. Other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, a history of keloid scarring or circulatory disorders should also be shared with the surgeon.
  • If the patient has undergone any previous plastic surgery the surgeon should be informed, since for example, if the patient has undergone a brow lift or forehead lift this could mean that he/she would not be suitable for forehead reduction surgery.
  • Indicate the medications that are being taken.
  • Avoid alcohol and salty foods during the week prior to surgery, this will help decrease fluid retention and swelling.
  • Stop smoking at least one month before surgery.
  • To be able to advance the hairline, it is necessary some laxity of the scalp, therefore exercises are recommended to take a ponytail and pull it back and forth from 2 weeks before surgery.

Care after surgery

After surgery, you must wear a bandage for 2 days and sleep with the head slightly incorporated. With proper medication the postoperative period is not very uncomfortable. The fine stitches are removed after 10 days. For a while the scalp remains a little corky, but it recovers soon. It is advisable to massage gently and protect yourself from the sun.

Alternatives to this treatment

The only alternative to frontoplasty are hair implants, but in women the hair density is very high, and with grafts is very difficult to get a normal-looking hairline. In addition, frontoplasty is a much faster and cheaper technique.