Face lift

What is a facelift?

A facelift, or facial rejuvenation surgery, is an operation that corrects the most visible signs of facial aging by tightening the muscles of the face, reducing fat, redistributing the skin and removing excess tissue. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

Depending on the areas of the face to be treated, there are several types of facelift: frontal lift, which raises sagging eyebrows and eliminates forehead wrinkles; mid facelift, which removes fat accumulated in the cheekbones and lifts the cheeks; and the long facelift, which reduces fat from the jawline and neck (the so-called double chin).

Why is it performed?

The flaccidity and sagging of the skin is a clear symptom of the passage of time that is especially visible in the face and can be a complex for many patients. Thus, the objective of a complete facelift is to reduce flaccidity and restructure the deteriorated or sagging areas of the face.

What does a facelift consist of?

This operation is generally performed through incisions inside the hairline and behind the earlobe, continuing to the nape of the neck if necessary, so that the scars are camouflaged. From these incisions, the excess skin is stretched and sectioned, so that the face looks firmer and rejuvenated.

Preparation before the facelift

Before a facelift, the patient should follow some key indications: stop smoking at least 15 days before the operation, do not wear contact lenses or makeup to the intervention and come with clean and hydrated skin. In addition, during the pre-surgery consultation, the patient should inform the surgeon about the medications he/she takes and the allergies he/she suffers from, in case he/she requires any additional preparation.

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Care after surgery

The patient will normally be able to leave the clinic 24 hours after the operation, but it will depend on the patient’s evolution and the surgeon’s recommendation. The first days after surgery, it is recommended to sleep on two pillows to reduce swelling and not to drink hot drinks or chew excessively to avoid altering the stitches. In the first few days the swelling and bruising will disappear.